Boys will be boys?

Duelling is a peculiar topic because in the back of your mind you more than likely know what it is, but have you ever actually considered it?

When I was reading these articles I didn’t really know what to think other than where are your mothers? And then as I continued to read I realized that they were likely on the side line watching…Wait what!

The act of duelling to me is one of the most pointless things I have ever heard of. I relate it starting a physical fight, which men still tend to do a lot– and I find to be incredibly stupid. It’s like we’ve turned the act to something less violent but with the exact same means. Men still fight in order to show their worth and strength, and it is not necessary. As we have seen with the Beothuk’s and Dakleh–violence will get you nowhere, so with knowing violence will more than likely solve no problems; we can assume the means behind violence is still to show male virtue.

What does it mean to be a man today? Do we still follow the idea that they are strong, powerful, and fearless? If this perception is still the same, then history still lives on and nothing has changed; therefore we can assume the meaning behind a modern duel is the same as historical duelling?